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AAB Student Mobile

4.4 ( 1904 ratings )
Utvecklare: Nusret Bilallaj

AAB Student Mobile eshte nje prej sherbimeve te digjitalizuara te Kolegjit AAB. Studentet permes ketij sherbimi mund te informohen per te dhenat personale:

1. Pagesat e bera
2. Provimet e dhena
3. Pjesemarrja ne ligjerata
4. Paraqitjen e provimeve
5. Zgjidhjen e lendeve zgjedhore
6. Thirrjen e sherbimeve te Kolegjit AAB automatikisht etj.

AAB Student Mobile is one of the services of AAB College. Student on this mobile can can be informed their personal information:

1. Tuition Payments
2. Completed exams
3. Lecture attendance
4. Sitting for exams submission
5. Choosing of elective subjects
6. Other AAB College services etc.